I had the idea for this little guy at the end of my yoga class tonight when I was supposed to be thinking of nothing...and I got all excited to get home and figure out the pattern.
It's not crochet, but it's adorable. I love it. It's tiny: about 2" by 1" and I made it for a friend because, really, how can this not make you smile?
(note: the pincushion comes from "the daily pincushion" on Etsy...she is so talented!)
Monday, February 2, 2009
2009: Thing 2, Dove Softie
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11:38 PM
Labels: dove, felt, plush, softies, thing a day, thing-a-day, tiny
2009: Thing 1, The Office
Spent most of the day Sunday on this project, and became intimate with the practice of "cutting" sans painters tape.* It's hard. I feel like I felt a little bit of Michelangelo's pain. Just a little. The end result is a stunning display of "Northern Pear Tree"** and all that's left to do is the white, glossy trim followed by a Rip Up The Carpet Party! The hardwood that's hidden under here appears to be in beautiful shape and our fingers are crossed that there are no major stains or warping waiting to be uncovered. Of course, that's what area rugs are for.
It feels really good to get this far on this room. It was tough to tackle, and next up is the hallway...
*to be fair: the room was painted with tape, and it was only the closet that I had to paint without tape. Really, I'm whining for no good reason.
**I tend to pick paint colors based on names, just like I've been known to pick wine based on the label. So far, I've yet to be truly disappointed.
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1:53 PM