Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I'm feeling quite proud of myself tonight. I managed to accomplish everything on the list-in-my-head before crashing into bed:
I cooked not one, but TWO dinners -

  1. Sauteed chicken with a roasted sweet potato salad for tonight and in about 15min I'll turn on my crock-pot for the...
  2. Pulled Pork soft taco's we'll be eating tomorrow night before going to see The Reader.
In between all that, I caught up with Brie, watched LOST (wtf? spoiler alert...sort of: I'm not sure I even care about Charlotte) and even managed to work out with Comcast Exercise TV (I heart the Biggest Loser CardioMax). Dishes are clean, coffee is ready for tomorrow & I'm updating my blog. Check, Check and CHECK. Of course, next time I'll try to have something a little more interesting to blog about other than the fact that I've crossed a lot of things off Wednesday's To Do's :)

I'm getting psyched for Thing-A-Day 2009, and have started putting together a string of project ideas to keep me from procrastinating on a day when I think I can't possibly get something done. Yay Creativity! I'm hoping there's someone out there that can help me learn to crochet "softies". I think they're adorable, but I'm pretty sure they require a skill level above and beyond what I'm capable of. (Christa, your lesson was wonderful but I think I need a tutor! Help!) Right now, in my head, I want to crochet and owl and a pencil. Oh, and some newborn beanies for our friend's new baby twins!


H. said...

oooh I think I have a book on softies!! Let me see if I can dig it up.

and hello night ski yes. TUESDAY at spring mount is ladies night!! $10 lift tix! me - in, chiara - in, you -???

BeccaT said...

Yes! I am a Lady, and I like Tuesdays. I'm so in. I just have to dust off my board, find some waterproof pants and make sure mice haven't moved into my boots. Next Tuesday good?????

PS - Softies would be AWESOME. Thanks!